What is the latest legislation affecting property practitioners that the public should be aware of?
The PPA was signed into law on 19 September 2019 and came into effect on 1 February 2022. The PPA creates a new regulator, the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA), which takes the place of the Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) and now has enhanced regulatory scope and powers as a large component of property sector businesses and individuals who perform immovable property or business broking related activities are now regulated by the PPRA.
"Property Practitioner" is defined in the Act as any natural or juristic person, who for the acquisition of gain on his, her or its own account or in partnership in any manner holds himself, herself or itself out as someone who, directly or indirectly, on behalf of any other person-
performs certain specified activities relating to disposal or management of immovable property, or any business undertaking including the following:
auctioning, purchasing, managing, selling, hiring, letting, advertising, exhibiting for sale, marketing, facilitating the sale or lease of, negotiating, canvassing, offering to canvas, by electronic or other means, collecting monies in respect of, provides intermediary or facilitation services for, provides, procures, facilitates, secures or otherwise obtains or markets financing for or in connection with the management, sale or lease of a property or a business undertaking, including a provider of bridging finance and a bond broker, but excluding any person defined as a financial institution under the FSCA ,in other words, banks and credit providers are excluded.
The following are specifically excluded in the PPA:
The following are specifically included in the PPA:
The following activities have been specified as constituting property practitioner activities in the Regulations pertaining to the PPA:
Reg 39.1.1. DEVELOPERS
In summary, the PPRA regulates the following 12 industries as they are defined as property practitioners in S1 of the PPA:
The above information is meant to highlight the importance of ensuring that members of the public are aware of dealing with Property Practitioners as they are defined in the PPA. It is of utmost importance as these definitions all include businesses and individuals that deal with the public's money in property transactions.
Only clients of a registered property practitioner in possession of a valid Fidelity Fund Certificate (FFC) are protected in terms of the PPA in respect of a legitimate claim for compensation from the Fidelity Fund.
So, if you are dealing with any of the above-mentioned property practitioners as defined in the PPA, please ensure that they are compliant with the PPA... in your own interest!